Reviving a guest mix from the end of 2021, here is one of Nick's all time favourite personal mixes. Channelling the seminal Northern Exposure, but stepping out into the vacuum of space, both space and time are warped around shifting metallic beats, mind bending textures and atmospheres lifted straight from alien worlds. 
Turn off the lights, sit back and get lost in The Void.

 0.0 - Space & Time Echoes
1a. Multicast Dymanics - Radiation Chamber 1
1b. Intergalactic Quartet - Shores of Alpha
1c. User77099097 - It's Behind the Wall
1d. NASA Chandra scans the universe
2a. Spaceflight field recording
2b. Comit - An Ever Decreasing Circle
3a. VC-118A - Silver
3b. Chandra discovers a monster
3c. Introducing Sagittarius A*
4 Lou Karsh - UPs and Downs
5a. Morphology - Memory Fragments Echoes
5b. Morphology - Multiplex
5c. Space & Time Echoes
6a. Multicast Dymanics - Iris ii
6b. Sagittarius A* the life giver
6c. John Shima - Accepting
7a. John Beltran - When it Rains
7b. Radiation Chamber 1 Echoes
8a. Morphology - Memory Fragments Echoes
8b. Grammar of Movement - IOI
8c. Warping space & time
9a. Armec - Caged
9b. Information returned
10a. Sound Synthesis - Mechanics of Dreams (acetate)
10b. Space & time exist as one
11. Visions of Glosters - Shake Out
12a. Reptant - Dilapidated Environment
12b. Deeper picture of Reality
13a. Answer Code Request - Turning
14b. Death of a Star
14a. Ulrich Schnaus - Monday Paracetamol
14b. Warping space and time 

Creators and Guests

Nick Rodger
Nick Rodger
Sci-fi Lover, DJ, Music Junkie.
The Void
The Void
Nick Rodger's Sci Chillout Series

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